Knowledge Sharing Session

Dr. Arun K Gupta Center for Teaching and Learning at MIET hosted “Knowledge Sharing Session” led by certified faculty members from the IIEECP Fall 2023 program. Among the faculty, 20 have already completed the certification, and currently, 13 members are actively participating.

The purpose of these sessions is to provide a platform for certified faculty to share and discuss the significant insights and outcomes derived from the extensive 6-month program with their colleagues. This initiative spans over six scheduled sessions.

The faculty shared their experiences and insights on various modules such as Teaching Learning Process, Course Design & Delivery, and Creating a Dynamic Classroom. They also presented practical use cases of implemented activities along with their key outcomes.

This certification course has enabled faculty members to engage in innovative teaching methods, refine course design, comprehend learning objectives, incorporate active learning strategies, and develop effective formative and summative assessment tools and rubrics for assessing outcomes.

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